Workshop Aerospace Engineering in Brazil
University, Industry, Research and Innovation
June 5th – 14h to 17h30 (UTC-3)
This event aims to expand the discussion on the role of Universities in technological development and innovation in the country's industrialization, particularly in the context of the Aerospace industry. The event will be attended by representatives from some Aerospace Engineering courses. It will also feature the participation of representatives from the aerospace industry and research support agencies in the country. A part of the event will also be dedicated to students, so that they have a voice in this debate and can contribute ideas and suggestions for improvements to be made in the academic learning process.
This activity will only be presented in Portuguese.
UnB Scientific and Technological Park (PCTec Unb)
Aerospace Engineering Course at Unb, FGA.
This workshop has free access for registrants in the 5th SpaceBR Show Forum or in the Exhibtion
Changes in the program: speakers and topics for this event are confirmed during the project structuring phase. However, substitutions, alterations or cancellations of speakers and themes may occur, due to acts of God and/or force majeure. In this way, MundoGEO reserves the right to change the event program, which will be published on the schedule page on the website.