Universities will have a prominent and exclusive space at MundoGEO exhibitions in 2025

MundoGEO Connect, DroneShow Robotics, SpaceBR Show and Expo eVTOL offer special conditions for universities and junior companies to present their projects to the market

Universities and junior companies will have an exclusive space at the MundoGEO Connect, DroneShow Robotics, SpaceBR Show and Expo eVTOL 2025 exhibitions to present their projects to the geospatial technology, drone, space and air mobility communities. The event is the main meeting point for these sectors in Latin America and will take place between June 3 and 5 at the Expo Center Norte – Pavilhão Azul, in São Paulo, Brazil.

The dedicated island will have individual service areas and an auditorium for the presentation of projects. The main objective of this initiative is to connect what is being developed in the academic area with the market.

To encourage the participation of universities and junior companies, MundoGEO, the event organizer, is offering special conditions. In addition to the space, the projects will be publicized in the content area of ​​the MundoGEO web portal and free tickets will be distributed to students and professors who participate in this initiative.

The connection between the academy and the market is essential for the expansion of knowledge and innovation and benefits society as a whole. Aspects such as innovation, talent development, knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship and problem-solving in the real world are fostered when there is this connection.

“It is very important to bring universities and junior companies closer to the market, formed by industry, government and users of the technologies present at our exhibitions”, comments MundoGEO CEO, Emerson Granemann.

MundoGEO’s exhibitions have been welcoming university students and professors for many years and with this space the aim is to increase this participation, giving more importance to the knowledge produced in the academy. “With this opportunity, universities can showcase their projects and seek cooperation with the private sector to boost good ideas, transforming them into reality”, adds Emerson.

The 2024 edition of the MundoGEO Connect, DroneShow Robotics, SpaceBR Show and Expo eVTOL exhibitions brought together more than 8,000 people at Expo Center Norte, consolidating itself as one of the largest in the world in these areas. Next year, the expectation is an increase in the number of visitors and exhibitors. To this end, the event will be held in a larger pavilion at Expo Center Norte.

For more information about the participation of universities and junior companies, please contact: emerson@mundogeo.com.

Find out more about the exhibitions and check out the updated list of exhibitors for the 2025 edition:

MundoGEO Connect https://mundogeoconnect.com/en
DroneShow Roboticshttps://droneshowla.com/en
SpaceBR Showhttps://spacebrshow.com/
Expo eVTOLhttps://expoevtol.com/en

See below the highlights from the 2024 event: